Laguna LT 14SE or new Powermatic 14″

Hello all!
I’m looking for some guidance on my bandsaw purchase. I’m looking at purchasing my first bandsaw and I want to make a good decision. I’m debating between the Laguna or the Powermatic. If I go with the Powermatic, I will add the riser block kit and mobile base. The Laguna will have the mobility package as well.
I want to purchase a quality piece of equipment that will cut all the curves I want it to as well as having good resaw capability.
Thanks for your help!
The Powermatic 14"? Isn't that a import? I'd consider it in the same class as a Grizzly, and the new Delta's. Stick to the laguna or expand your options - Powermatic doesn't mean as much anymore.
Welded frame saws, the Laguna, are much stiffer than cast saws, the Powermatic. I would easily choose the Laguna.
This year's ffw tool guide rates them both well. Three bandsaws tied for best overall The Delta 28-248-$1000, The Laguna LT14-$945, and the Powermatic PWBS-14CS-$855. You can buy two or three extra blades for the difference in price. The resaw capcity of the Laguna was 8 5/8. 2 and 3/8 inches more than the powermatic and a couple inches more than the Delta. The Laguna doesn't take a riser block The blade tension psi for the powermatic was 9,500 well below the Laguna and Delta rating of 15,000 psi. The Laguna LT14SE is now available and has a 12 inch resaw capacity. The Lagunas also require a 230v circuit.
The Laguna LT14 was the Reader's Choice award winner too.
I would buy the Rigid BS1400-$349, but I don't foresee much resaw demand for my shop.
I think the Laguna is the winner between the two you pose based on resaw capacity, (especially the LT14SE model), plus the PSI is much higher.
"Do as you would be done by." C.S. Lewis
Hey Ken, I noticed your mention of the Rigid BS14 for $349 as an option. It seems to me, at a third of the price, it must be lacking much of the features or quality of the others mentioned, but (i think you said) you would "go with that" cuz you don't foresee much need for resawing.
I'm pretty sure I won't be doin' much resawing cuz I never even heard of it til I got to lookin at these forums. I've been building this and that out of wood for about 30 years, but mostly nothing very elaborate. Anyway, I've had the idea I want to upgrade from my "CHEAPO", 9" bandsaw, because I'd like to make multi-curved cuts in thicker woods. I really don't think I'll have need of a $1000 saw, but I'd like to get something of DECENT quality.
So, when you mentioned the Rigid, I was encouraged to think that it may be all I'll need, if it is a decent quality tool. There's a Craftsman 12" on sale for $269 that I was thinking about, but I'd rather spend the extra $80 for the 14".
You'll be surprised at how much resawing you'll do once you have a good bandsaw.Have you ever planed down 3/4" stock to 1/2" for drawer sides? Have you ever wanted to make veneer? What about 1/4" stock...I never realized how often I used my TS to resaw until I got my bandsaw!Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
Thanks for the reply, Mark. I guess Ken's no longer following this. Anyway I decided to shop around and found a Jet JBS14, used, with missing parts (motor,stand, pulleys). Assuming there's no irrepairable damage, and I'm able to replace these parts, I should have a pretty nice saw for about $200.-give or take a little.
Sounds like a great deal. Have fun putting it together and even more fun resawing :-)Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
I really don't think I'll have need of a $1000 saw, but I'd like to get something of DECENT quality. ..
I have a RIKON 18" bandsaw.. I just LOVE it! ...BUT I use LENOX blades..
I don't have a 14" but quality should be about the same.. I think!
Lets put it this way.. My 18 inch sliced a 8 inch by 24 inch hunk of ASH (flat board) at .040 thick.. About the thickness of the 1 inch Lenox blade (3 tooth per inch)..
That was out of the BOX and the first cut I made fer' a test!.. Not bad! And using the standard fence!
Edited 5/11/2005 4:29 pm ET by Will George
Will George,(or will he not?)
Thanks for the response. I'm not sure I'll have room for a 14" saw, let alone an 18". While I'm dreamin', I might as well dream about a 20" or bigger, even!
Back in reality, I lost an auction on ebay, for a Jet 14" (minus stand, motor and pulleys, and probably 1 or 2 minor parts), but I got a 2nd chance offer 'cuz the only other bidder was unaware it was "pick-up only" in South FL, and he lives in PA. So I am now the proud owner of about half of a 14" saw, for 20 bucks! I'm hopin' I can restore it to (near) it's original glory for not more than half its original cost.
Any advice on obtaining, or producing a usable stand will be greatly appreciated! Also I'm thinking I'll upgrade to a 1 1/4 HP motor, since I have to buy one anyway, and maybe get the riser block while I'm at it. Again, any advice...? Thanks!
Edited 5/15/2005 2:58 am ET by pete
Pete, check your email.
Thanks, Hoopa
I found a small crack in the table at the leading edge, which has the right front corner raised nearly 1/8", so I decided not to persue repairing this saw after all. I'll file this plan for future use, though. Thanks again for the input.
Look at the Agazanni's as well. From what I have heard they are a bit better than the Laguna's. I believe Mini-Max sells these.
I just heard that MiniMax is supposed to be bringing out a new welded frame bandsaw. I think it is going to be a 16 inch with 2 1/2 hp motor, european guides, cast iron wheels, foot brake, 12" resaw and some free blades. The introductory price is going to be $995!
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