Laguna Tools / X31 Combination Machine

Just wondering if anyone else out there has had dealings with Laguna Tools and their complete lack of customer service. I purchased my X31 combination machine from them over a year ago and have yet to recieve all the parts to the machine, or a complete shipping list.
One of the reasons I purchased this machine was lack of shop space, and since they were advertisers with Taunton Press, I mistakenly assumed they were a reputable company.
For over a year I have tried to get this resolved via their customer service department, using telephone calls, faxes and emails.
The machine arrived missing parts, some parts were damaged in shipping and they sent the wrong mortising bits with this machine. The operator’s manual is smaller and less informative than the one I receieved with my dewalt cordless drill.
Be happy to hear from anyone with advice in dealing with this company.
Hey James,
I can't offer any insight but, companies are usually very concerned about their reputations. Perhaps if you emailed the CEO with a link to this thread, you might light a fire under them.
I presently have money down on Laguna's new TSS table saw, so hearing comments like this about Laguna service is somewhat troubling. Interestingly there are several others that are having this same problem with Laguna as posted on their own website. You may also want to go there to post your dissatisfaction on their message board, if you haven't already. I can't help but think that someone in this Co. wouldn't be reading and following up on these kinds of issues. Unfortunately there aren't any Co's, that can say they have 100 percent customer service. I worked for UPS for 29 years and the big idea their was to give service. As a company they understand that if you don't give the customer the kind of service they want they will go somewhere else to find it. Laguna Tools has been selling a lot of table saws lately so maybe they are experiencing some growing pains. Never the less, before I make my final decision to take delivery of the saw I have on order I'm going to have a chat with them about their customer service and I'll be sure to mention your name and situation. Hope your able to resolve this soon.
This is not really a machine issue as I have not already purchased their machine, but I will address priorities and customer relations. I called as I am openly shopping the 16" BS of both Laguna and Mini-Max. Spoke with salesman for quite a while who knew the machine.
They are at the IWF show this week and wanted a deposit to lock the show price before the show. Sending literature and DVD's for me to look over in case something came up that I couldn't make it to the show. That was a week before the show and I recieved it this Tuesday. 9 days latter. They left CA. on Monday for Atlanta.
I call MM the same day. Show price good through show with a hint of a grace period as they would also be at the show and out of the office. Eric sent their literature and DVD priority mail and had it 2 days latter.
I have not seen the newer L machine, so I have no comment till I see it at the show. But.. with someone openly willing to drop $2 K on a machine and knowing that I also am eyeing the competitor, I have to question just how much thought and priority was given to getting that literature out the door for a potential customer to compare?
The big problem at Laguna Tools is no one there seems to know what anyone else is doing. One person might tell you something and then when you call them on it, its a completely different story.
Carl my sales person told me on the phone there was a 30 day no questions asked return policy. But once I recieved my machine this evaporated when I asked him about it after the machine showed up without pieces and documentation.
MiniMax is made here in Austin TX, I seriuosly gave thought to buying from them, but there combo machine was quiet a bit more expensive, but in hindsite, might have been well worth the money.
The other problem with Laguna is apparently they have no idea what they are selling, clearly stamped onto my machine's mortising guard is a direction indicator showing right hand bits required, yet they shipped left hand bits instead. Then questioned on this, they simpled stated they thought it was a reversible motor, which it is clearly not.
I'd be careful before dealing with Laguna Tools, personally
At this point James, careful probably will be watching my step to make sure I don't trip on anything on the floor as I have a closer look at the machine itself to satisfy my curiosity. That will probably occur as I pass their booth headed in the direction of MM to spend my money which I clearly informed both companies I was willed to do.
One company wanted me to make a deposit and ask questions latter. One insisted I compare the two machines at the show and then make the call as I have a feeling the machines will speak for themselves upon inspection. Even if the one I am not familiar with turns out well-done, what good is sound construction that sits on shaky foundation that has to support it both present and in the future?
The truth is out there and the blimps appearing on my radar screen are already indicating a potential lock. :>)
Regards and off to work...
Hey Guys,I have no experience with Laguna, so I was going to just sit this one out and observe. But since MiniMax was brought up, I feel I have something to contribute.A little over two years ago, I bought the MiniMax 300Smart combination machine, and the MM16 bandsaw, on a promotion that MM was advertising. The machines arrived on time, and in excellent condition, ready to run without any adjustment or commissioning required.My MM sales rep called me to see if everything was okay. He still calls me on the anniversary of my purchase to see if everything is still okay, to see if he can sell me something else of course.Anytime I have call MM, I have immediately connected with a knowledgeable person, not a phone receptionist, a recording, or "on hold" music. A person; one who asks who my rep is and then connects me to him. If he's not available, then they offer to help me themselves. I've never been passed on to a different department, or left hanging.All this is to say that I bought the MM machines for their quality, not knowing of their superior customer service. Now, I recommend them for both.Just my 2¢
Thanks for another confirmation of what I had more or less already concluded. How do you like the 300Smart?
Hey SARGE,I really like the 300Smart. It took me a little while to get use to the European way of doing things, but it's not a painful process. I've finally gotten around to using all the features, that took me about a year or so. My favorite feature has to be the five foot sliding table.To give you an idea of how happy I am with the machine, I've left my name as a referal with MM and they regularly send prospective customers to my shop for a demonstration. I receive no compensation for this. I'm happy to do it because they've already taken such good care of me.Tom
Thanks again, Tom. I'm not in the market for several years (I fully retire 10-10-09), but wondered about it compared to others. I have a small slider with riving knife and crown gaurd and love the feature. Those large sliders require space. I only have around 900 sq. ft. with another 900 sf that is non-saw-dust. Plenty, until you pick up machines with a foot-print that large.
May.. may not. How my time gets divided in the next few years will yield a better picture as I got my hands full currently and my current tools are more than adequate.
Regards for the evening...
Hey Sarge,I know what you mean. Buying a large combo machine is quite a leap of faith. One of the considerations that I had was space. When you consider that it's one large machine that does the functiions of five, it makes more sense. When you consider that the five individual machines also need five infeed/outfeed lanes, then you really beguin to appreciate the value of the system.On top of this, I don't think that I could get five machines of the same quality for what I paid for the 300 Smart.Tom
Your experience sounds pretty similar to mine. Within a week of talking to Erik Loza at MM I had info in the mail. I ended up buying a MM16 last October and am still waiting on the literature and DVD from Laguna to show up. I had some electrical switch issues on my saw but Erik took care of me and the problem hasn't re-occured after getting the replacement switch.
If you build it he will come.
If you e-mail your address, I will get the Luguna literature right out to you as I don't think I have a major need for it at this point! ha.. ha...
Laguna told me if I get the MM 16 to get an extra switch. When I ask Eric about the switch he mentioned that it had a micro switch problem in the past and that it had been corrected on the newer machines. Glad to see you are happy with the saw and the way you were treated after the money changed hands. I will see Eric on Saturday if all is well.
About three years ago I bought a Knapp Combi 410T from Laguna. Benjamin, Torben’s brother sold it to me. After unpacking and installing the machine we started to hook it up. When we opened up the cover to the electrical panel we discovered that we had received a three phase 220 volt version. We called Laguna. After a few back and forth calls that took about one hour we had a commitment from the Laguna crew that a phase converter had been ordered and would be on its way the next day.
When it arrived two days later, we called an electrician. He hooked up the converter, took about five hours. We turned on the machine and it worked fine. A couple of days later a check from Laguna covering our expense for the electrician etc. arrived in the mail.
A year later I bought a Laguna 24 band saw. All I can say about it is that I will not part from it, no matter what. It is a superior machine. All my dealings with Laguna have been very satisfying.
Am I the only one in this whole wide world that can say that? Or is there something else going on here?
Hello again,
I also did some research and went back and read all the posts on this site that had anything to do with Laguna's service for about the last three years. To be honest, I was really looking for those who had had positive dealings with them. Now ,I know that it's probably not realistic to expect to see positive comments,as it's more in the nature of man to complain when your having problems and not when things are going well. But alas I did find a few positive dealings that people had had with them so I was encouraged. One of the positive comments I found was from a College ,local to me, that has taught well respected woodworking courses for many years. This morning in talking to an employee at the Rockler Store I had mentioned to them that I was looking for a decent scoring saw with a slider. I related to him the research I had done and the particular brands I was interested in. It just so happened that he also worked at this same College that I had found the positive comments about Laguna service. He stated that this positive comment must have been made by a student or made before they started having problems. He told me that one of their Laguna machines had been down for a whole year before they got the needed parts. For me this was the straw that broke the camels back. I went home and called Laguna to cancel my order.
Let's see... Hammer K3 Winner... Rojek PK 250A.. :>)
You've made my day at the show shorter tomorrow. I realize you may be dis-appointed. But better to be dis-appointed b-4 you commited that kind of cash, as like cream; the truth always rises to the surface.
IMO, Big Brownman has delivered again... even after retirement! Put that on your review...
Well James i also had a choice to make between these two Co's. I was looking for a upgrade on my 14" bandsaw, I looked... and looked .... and looked and after all my research it came down to Laguna and MM. I'm not going to tell you that i made this intellagent decision to buy one or the other but, being in the cust. sat. buss. some of my life that that was a important part of my decision. From the short time that i was talking to both, MM was my chose. Not because i so much no the difference but from the conversation i had. Laguna wasn't bad, don't get me wrong MM was just better in explaining some things. I received the saw and it is a dream. Also i live in NJ and will be moving to a new place. I also will be in the marget for a Combo machine. But Felder is about 20min for my new house(del.) and will be in contact with them as well. Go lock on the machine. Duke
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