Lamello Top 20 vs. Classic Biscuit Jnrs.
HI All,
Looking for a biscuit joiner. Top 20 out of the question, classic (or is it C2?) a possibility. What’s the main difference between the 2? I don’t see anything obvious on line and haven’t seen either personally to investigate. I guess Colonial Saw is exclusive distributor as I never see them for sale. I’m in So.Cal I’d be willing to travel to LA or SD stores if anyone has info on local Lamello dealers.
Also I’ve looked at several other brands and was unimpresed with both the Dewalt and Porter Cable. Heard good things about the Makita but haven’t seen one of those for sale around here.
I’m a finish carpenter and while the maqchine would get some shop use it would be in the fiesld with trim and mouldings.
Most of the Lamello in So Cal is sold thru the trade supply houses, like Bradley, Louis & Co, etc. Colonial Saw is in Ontario on Milliken Ave, they might be at the woodworking show in Costa Mesa. You could try Tool Depot in SD, I think they may carry mak & Lamello. Also try Austin HW in Santa Ana. I have the PC and love it. If you're doing trim, you may want to reconsider.
I've used the Dewalt & don't care for it much. Its good for holding down the plans so they don't blow away ( in my opinion)
My understaning is that Colonial Saw is the distruter for all stores in the west(but, then again, I may be wrong). These are the people that you call for parts...
I have purchased from them in the past at shows and from their dealers..
The top 20 has a dial that adjusts the height of the blade, the c2 doesn't.
I have used the P.C. Dewalt and the Freud, the Lamello is by far the better unit.
My opinion only, and opinions are like belly buttons, we all have them.
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