Drawers for corner cabinets require a 45 degree cutoff on the outside corner, these joints are dovetailed as are the other corners. This requires a layout for a thru dovetail at each ed ao the cotoff corner. I have had a lot of trouble in the layout of thes cuts, any suggestions? I have nit found any discussion in any os the many dovetail descriptions. Thanks, Malcolm G
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The first thing to do is cut your drawer stock to length, with the appropriate ends at 45*. Lay out the length of your pins (I'm a "pins first" kinda guy), by measuring back a distance equal to just a bit more than the thickness of the drawer stock on both faces of the stock, and scribing a line parallel to the end, on both the inside and outside faces. Lay out the pins as usual, and cut them out. On the stock where the tails will be cut: scribe lines parallel to the ends, as you did for the pins, stand the pin stock on the tail board, and scribe around the pins, on the inside face. Project the lines across the end of the tail stock, and saw out the receptacles for the pins, and remove the waste. After assembly, the extra bit you added in layout is planed flush.
There is a slightly more detailed description of the process in an article I wrote in FWW #80, on p56, if you have access to it. The angle is different, but procedure is the same.
Ray Pine
Thanks ray, I missed the article but have it now, Malcolm
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