Has anyone tried the liegh mortice and tennon jigor know of any reviews written on
the tool?
Has anyone tried the liegh mortice and tennon jigor know of any reviews written on
the tool?
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I bought one some time ago and find it useful for many situations. If you do a search you'll find a thread on this topic. Type Leigh Jig into the search with Hempstalk as the poster and Tools for woodworking as the folder you'll find it. I'm not sure how to do a hyperlink. If someone out there does perhaps you could fill me in.
http://forums.taunton.com/tp-knots/messages?msg=8386.1 is the leigh mortise and tenon thread you wanted to link
generally you want to click on the upper right corner message number(this reply is 12205.3).. that will upgrade your address bar... hard to explain.. but just make sure that the number on the end of the address in the address bar of your web browser, matches the number in the upper right hand corner of the message(my current reply to this thread is 12205.3, so if you click on that number in the upper right part of my message it will sync the address bar address with my message). Then, just left click to highlight the address in the address bar, use the "edit" pull down menu(top left corner of your web browser) and select "Copy" and then go to the reply window and click in the text area, and utilize the "edit" pull down menu again and select "Paste".... wahlah your address should appear....
Edited 5/19/2003 3:12:29 PM ET by Grouchie
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