My new home has a live tree in the patio, along with enough scrap wood that I think I could build a table around it, attached to the split trunks. Any suggestions as to how to attach it so it will be sturdy and still allow the tree to grow?
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A tree with a split trunk like that is usually very unstable. I see a lot of Bradford Pear trees like that. Their trunks and branches break off during storms.
Don't fasten it to the tree. First, it is not good for the tree. Second, as the tree grows, it will push the table apart. Just build the table around it and support it from the ground. However, of course, there are big roots in close to the tree. Avoid those as well. Leave space for the tree to grow or be prepared to make the gap bigger from time to time.
Incorporating trees in your outdoor spaces is a wonderful idea. However, permanently attaching items to trees rarely has a positive outcome in the long term.
Agree with bilyo.
I made a platform in a large willow tree for my kids by force fitting and cross lapping redwood 2×4 s . No fasteners into the tree at all, its just wedged in between branches. The kids are long gone and the boards on top as well, the tree is much bigger. The wedged frame is still there and sound, some parts are now part of the tree. Its about 30 years old now.. Now I use it to scoot around when pruning and my grandson plays around up there when he visits.
I wouldn't attach a table to the tree. It can be a dangerous venture. Better if you have the artistic ability, the tree's trunk can be turned into a kind of canvas, on which a picture painted with your own hands will look good. This type of tree decoration is becoming increasingly popular. Some garden plot owners especially dig up dry tree trunks in the garden to make various crafts out of them. And it will be even more interesting to lay a stamped concrete patio by the tree. It will look interesting due to the contrast.
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