Looking for Dining Room Extension Tab…

Please forward any ideas on where to find plans for a large, sturdy dining room table (extension style to accommodate a leaf). Ideally, with detailed direction on the hardware and it’s installation!! I think the style would be categorized as Early or Traditional American.
Thanks for your help.
Rockler (1-800-279-4441; http://www.rockler.com) sells "extension slides" already made up, in wood or steel. They come in various openings. I have not used this product, but it appears that they are screwed to the apron, and are predrilled for attaching the top. Doesn't look complicated at all. Rockler also sells turned table legs.
*This is an old message, but I built a webpage detailing how I built a round table. Check it out at http://www.geocities.com/oldwoodcrafter/table.htmgood luck
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