Looking for part time help or someone to share my shop

Hi! I have a fully equipped shop with industrial level equipment in Philadelphia.Having made over 200 pieces of furniture ,time has come to slow down. Does anyone know who might be interested?
On another topic,I can’t believe in a city this size,the home to so many cabinet makers,that we don’t have some sort of guild or association
Honest query, why don't you establish one? Oh, I can't help, I'm in Iowa.
You might try one of the many woodworking schools in Philly to see if someone is interested.
There is the PA Crafts Guild. They have chapters and have their annual show in Philadelphia. I don't know if that show is the same as the Philadelphia Crafts Show which is one of the main shows in the country. I think maybe the museum of art puts that one on. Crafts Guilds come and go, mostly they start up and then fade away. Without vetting they end up with a bunch of amateurs making pottery frogs.With vetting they get decisive and political. What with procuring materials, shop cleaning ,designing, keeping things sharp, and oh yah, trying to sell something -40 hours work is probably closer to 120 hours. I just spent 6 hours trying to draw 3 lines and I'm still not happy with It! Who has the time? There are shops in Philly doing good work. BDDW with shops in NY London and Milan have their factory ( Sorry "studio") in North Philly, find out what bar the employees go to after work and hang out there! Oh, and while your at it find out from them how you get 20 g's for a bookcase! Please share. Enjoy your Yingling!
Thanks for the input and I will in fact contact them.However,when going through the membership list only two are in Philadelphia. Not surprising as
rent etc is high here.Also the best school that instructs woodworkers (Frank Latta) is in Lancaster where many of the graduates are located
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