I want to build a Kitchen Table and am looking plans. I know this is wide open topic but any suggestions or plans would be appreciated. Also ..what would you recommend for the wood for the Table top?
Bill DeBender
Richmond VA
I want to build a Kitchen Table and am looking plans. I know this is wide open topic but any suggestions or plans would be appreciated. Also ..what would you recommend for the wood for the Table top?
Bill DeBender
Richmond VA
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Not sure what style you are looking for, but American Woodworker has some free plans for a very nice farm table. Cut and paste this into your browser - http://www.rd.com/americanwoodworker/articles/200009/farmtable/main.html
I am sure you could use any style of wood that you wanted, but I have always been impartial to ash and oak for the farm tables as that style seems to scream big, sturdy and heavy.
Keep Safe-
Just looked at URL and its exactly the design I've been looking for.
The plans look great...but it's pretty big for a kitchen table. Personally, I'd modify the width to no more than 36" so that things are easier to pass. The 42" width is great for dining room tables where serving platters are the norm...
We have a double drop leaf harvest table with tapered legs in the kitchen that we ate at every night...it is 42" wide...SWMBO would never let me modify it...sigh!
Here is a great link for woodworking plans. Just scroll down to "T" and enjoy.
Dave in PA.
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