Looking for source on French Country

Does anyone know of a book, website, whatever that shows a lot of French country furniture?
FWW had an article on some of the characteristics, but not much else. Surely there has to be some collection of pictures, plans, etc.
Hello from France, you can take a look at this website:
There is an english version link on the mainpage..
There are a lot of french furniture style depending on period, region, etc..
I hope this will be helpful for you!
Philippe, French joiner with his 10 fingers!
Thanks very much. You certainly sent a good link. One day in the future, I will start making some of this fine stuff. All the best,
DaveI am a great woodworker! I still have 10 fingers. Oops! Nine.
Hi Phillippe,"French country" here more or less means the whitewashed beech furniture, such as this: http://www.emwa.com.au/fr_chairs.htmStyling is heavily carved with pronounced cabriole legs, similar to the rococo (empire) or Louis XV period.As far as other French styles of furniture, they don't get too much of a look in here, which is a shame, as I appreciate the work of a competent ebeniste (marquetry is my weak point.) The simple country farmhouse style also gets considered occasionally.Cheers,eddie
(another trade cabinetmaker.)
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