Lubricate? Rotating dropleaf table leg joints

I am reconditioning a ~75 year-old drop leaf table. Fair bit of work, and the rotating table legs squeak like mad. I am very leery of sanding them down, and having a loose fit.
Can I, and how do I pre-lubricate this joint during reassembly?
Vic Benz
I would try some good hard furniture wax on the mating parts. If it doesn't last some spray wax in the joint might also be effective for maintenance. Also if you try sanding I would only use the lightest touch with very fine grit to take off almost no material, just enough to change the contact points to maybe reduce the vibration, then wax.
Yes, of course! Thank you. I have used paraffin (candle wax) on drawer runners before. Is there a better product anyone can suggest?
You can use a dry lubricant like beeswax or a light application of paste wax to reduce squeaking without making the joint too loose. Avoid oil-based lubricants, as they can attract dust and cause gumming over time. I have personally used these for some of the thread milling tools. Rubbing a bar of soap on the contact areas can also work as a simple fix.