Lumberyard/Hardwood in Central Calif???

Hi all. Anybody know of a lumberyard/hardwood source in Central California?….like anywhere between Fresno and Sacramento? San Francisco Bay area would be ok too. I’m looking for a place I can physically go to to hand-pick out hardwoods for cabinetmaking.
I tried finding one using Fine Woodworking’s lumber supplier locater utility but basically got zilch….about all there is are lumberyards for construction grade materials. My only other option is mail-order suppliers……that’d be ok if that’s all I’ve got but I sure wouldn’t mind someplace local as an option also.
If anyone knows of any place please let me know, and thanks!
charlie — “Count your blessings….it could always be worse!”
I haven't been there in many, many years, but MacBeath Hardwood in Berkeley has (or at least used to have) an extensive inventory.
Steve - Thank you!! That's exactly what I was looking for. East Bay's not too bad from where I'm at.....just under a couple of hours. Went to the UC there and don't mind hanging out there for a part of a day at all. There's also a Japan Woodworker outlet store nearby in Alameda that I've thought of visiting so this could make good future day trips.
To everyone else: I'm looking for as many options as possible so if you know of any other places please let me know! I don't know why the internet won't cough these up for me on search engines.....these places like to hide!charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
In the Sacramento Area there are several, esp Higgins and Aura
Aura Hardwood Lumber Inc
(916) 638-7800 2477 Mercantile Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA Map 10.5
J E Higgins Lumber Co
(916) 927-2727 Web Site 1122 Joellis Way
Sacramento, CA Map 13.8
Auburn Hardwoods
(530) 885-8877 311 Nevada St
Auburn, CA Map 14.9
Edited 11/12/2007 1:44 pm ET by hiker1rob
hiker1rob - Thank you!! I noticed that J E Higgins has a place in Fresno also.
I lived in Sacto for 20 years.... I'm actually closer to Fresno, but either one works for me.
Thanks again!
Keep 'em coming people!charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Try Jackel Enterprises in Watsonville, CA. Sorry I don't have their # but worth looking up. They were always helpful and had a good selection.
Paul - Thanks much! I looked them up and got their phone number. Yeah, they look like a good possibility. They're only an hour and 46 minutes away from me, and they look like they'd be good to deal with and with a good selection.
Thanks again!charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
There's another Higgins in Santa Maria if you want to make a drive to the coast.
Thanks Matt! That's a pretty long drive, about 3 1/2 hours, but ya never know when a drive to the coast is just what the doctor ordered.
The response on this does my heart good....I'm getting much more than I expected.
Take care,charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
The Woodsman in Stockton
(209) 931-3293
ricky - yours is one of the best for closeness so far....I live around Merced and work in Modesto. A source in Stockton is close enough that I could conceivable go there easily from work.
Thank you!!charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
See attachment. I have only been to McBeath in Berkeley. Great selection, high prices. I miss Michigan.
Todd - your attachment is a gold mine. Thank you! I especially like the comments after each one. You just saved me a lot of research work for the entire Bay area.charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Charlie and all others in the area-
If you are driving to Sac- you need to check out Hughes Hardwoods- I'm not sure how to rate a Hardwood lumberyard but I love the place.
If it is cherry , maple or sheet goods you need- they can supply your biggest order on the spot- If you need exotics or veneers - you'll be surprised at how much they stock.
Don't miss this place if you are driving all the way here.
Hwy 50 at Sunrise - go to web site for exact directions
Thanks Dave. I appreciate the info! Ya know, when I lived in Sacto the only times I'd go to Rancho Cordova was when I was looking for used auto parts at the wrecking yards.....ALL of the various yards were there.
Thanks again.charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Your memory is right on- If you need a used alternator -bring a wrench- all the "U-pull-it" places are just down the road from Hughes :-)DaveSettle Down People... Settle Down
In the pay area you might also try plywood lumber sales (PALs) they are in Oakland and sell a lot of wood to custom cabinet shops they tend to be a little less expensive than Macbeths in Berkeley. If you want exotics take a look at Globalwood source in San Jose they have some very neat wood. Both PALs and Globalwood source have websites.
Good luck
Charlie -
I'm in San Jose and get most of my material from Aura Hardwood on Phelan. Southern Lumber is also a good source, but they're very expensive. They're probably the best source around for exotics.
CHS Wholesale Hardware at 1996 Junction Av carries a decent selection of cabinet grade ply and some S3S hardwood. They have a great selection of hardware and finishing materials.
Don't tell anyone that I said this, but I've had good luck with Home Depot's hardwoods. Two stores near me carry Red Oak, Birch, and Poplar at reasonable prices. Quality and selection can be hit or miss depending on when they restock the shelves. Avoid their plywood at all costs. The only thing "good" about it is the price. - lol
Thanks Dave! I'm compiling quite a list. I'll keep HD in mind and won't tell a soul!! Every new lead helps, but I wish I was getting more places around Fresno. It's the closest big city to me and the most convenient.
Anybody out there have any hardwood/cabinet grade plywood sources around the Fresno area??charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
MacBeath in San Francisco and Berkeley, Van Aresdale-Harris in San Francisco, PALS (Plywood lumber and Sales) in San Francisco and Emeryville, and Handloggers in Point Richmond are all also reliable sources. Baker Hardwoods in Gilroy. Newton Woods, Fresno (walnut).
Folks, thank you!
The response to this was absolutely great and very much appreciated. I've now got what is probably the definitive "where to go" list of hardwood suppliers for anyone living between Fresno and Sacramento in Calif.
This post will bump it back up to the top of the board so if anyone sees this and has any additional sources to add by all means let me know. The "list" still has room to add as many more as you can throw at me.
Thanks again!
charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Don't rule out Los Angeles area its only 4 hours or less south. Reel Lumber Anaheim, Bohnhoff lumber Los Angeles, Saroyan Lumber Los Angeles, Cherokee wood products Upland, Kelly Wright Anaheim, Austin hardwoods in Santa Ana, Long Beach plywood & Lumber more on the retail side boat builders and contractors.tropical hardwoods 1 1/2 hour south of LA in Carlsbad.WEBER PLYWOOD, 15501 Mosher Ave, Tustin, California, 92780
Thanks Tony! I go north more than south, but I promise I won't forget you folks down there.charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
I've ordered walnut from this fellow. Good service and a fine product. I've never met him, but he's great on the phone.
The website has many photos of available lumber.
Thanks sapwood! Much appreciated!charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
850 Lincoln Ave
Clovis, CA 93612
Thank you Willie! This one's a decent close distance. Did you used to live around Clovis? I see you're in Arkansas now.charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
I use to live in Clovis, close to the Woodshed where I purchased all my lumber, worked in Firebaugh, where I ran a big tomato factory, Tomatek. Now live in Arkansas when I can, but work in American Samoa out in the Pacific canning all your Tuna for you.
Will be home for Christmas and do some work still setting up shop.
Enjoy the Central Valley.
Glad to run into a former Central Valley person! I looked up the Woodshed online and was disappointed to find that the Clovis outlet doesn't have their own website. I'll definitely check them out though. I want at least ONE choice for project wood that isn't 2+ hours away, and I'd rather go south towards Fresno than north towards Sacramento...much easier traffic in my opinion.
Thanks for taking the time to give me the info. Too bad you aren't still around're the closest woodworker to home I've run into and you're not there anymore. I'd enjoy the Central Valley much more if we could kick all the Bay Area speculators and commuters out of here. The mortgage crisis might just do it for us, except then it's going to leave a lot of abandoned houses around everywhere and that'd be worse.
Appreciate the tuna you're catching for us all. Say hi to my cousin Charlie of the sea next time you see him.
Have a good Christmas if I don't see you on this site before then.charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Give the WoodShed a try, you won't be disappointed. They have a great variety of lumber and you can hand select everything. The store is run by a father and son, in business for more than 15 years and when they are not dealing with customers, they do some cabinet work in the same building. If they do not have what you want, they get it in a few days. Prices are typical for CA
I'm home for two weeks in Hot Springs AR so its into the shop, to complete set-up. Just purchased 200 bd/ft of 4/4 Brown Maple for $1.7 a bd/ft over here. So I guess my shop cabinets will end up looking better than the ones in my kitchen. Could never find these prices in CA.
About Fresno and Clovis, we sold two houses at exactly the right time when we moved. Feel sorry for the new owners as one is back in the market now for a little more than 1/2 of what we sold it.
Best regards
Thanks for the additional info Willie. I've got a "comments" section on my list and I dutifully updated it. I'm looking forward to checking the place out. I grew up in Merced, lived in Sacramento for over 20 years, and then came back down to Atwater where I'm at now. My daughter's going to FSU so it shouldn't be hard to combine wood buying trips with visits once in a while.
Funny how house buying/selling timing works. We lucked out also when we needed to buy a house in Atwater in just happened to be the time after Castle Air Force base closed and all the Air Force guys had to finally decide whether they were retiring or moving. With a lack of any local VA healthcare a lot of them decided to move and it was a buyer's market. Our seller gave us a great price and paid our closing costs. And even with the recent downturn it's still worth 2-3 times what we paid for it.
Take care, Willie.
charlie -- "Count your could always be worse!"
Edited 12/5/2007 5:14 pm by charlie4444
Aura Lumber on Phelan was alive and well a couple of weeks ago when I bought a few hundred dollars worth of black walnut from them. - lol
Thanks for letting me know. As I said, I hadn't been there recently to check if they had reopened.
The Best walnut/ hardwood supplier in the Bay Area
Hello my fellow woodworkers. I just wanted to let you all know the best supplier I've seen as far as walnut, price and quality is concerned. His name is Glenn Holsworth and his company is Holsworth Woodworks and the website is He is very nice, knowledgeable and by far the best price and quality in California. He goes by appointment only but will have no problem spending as much time as you need to preview his enormous stock. Check him out you won't be disappointed!
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