Making Square and Round Bench Dogs & Hold Downs
Is there any plans on howto make the wooden bench dogs? the pegs that go into the holes?
How does the wooden flap spring work? should it be alittle oversized than the carved out area that is on the bench dog peg?
Is it the same for a round peg?
The hold downs of old days use to be made of wood does any one still know to make them?
I suggest you search for "square bench dogs". There's a video here.
usually the square dogs have an undercut section at the bottom (on a slight slope) and then the "spring" is a thin section of wood glued directly to the sloped section. As the dog is placed into a dog hole the spring is compressed against the bench dog-hole and that holds the dog in place enough that it will not drop through the bench. If you look up the article on the bench that is featured this week you will see a video clip on the dogs at the end of the series.
I showed how to make the square dogs on my blog, at . They work great! The photos I included will show how I made them.
Square Bench dogs
I just built square bench dogs for my bench. I used Norm Abrams' plans from the bench he built on the New Yankee Workshop. They work pretty good. I plan on making round dogs out of 3/4 dowel, and just flattening an edge on one end. I have a "sort-of-thought-out" idea on making a spring for them, I'll let you know how they work.
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