Makita 2030 jointer/planer roller replacement

Hi All,
I just acquired a Makita 2030 Planer/jointer for a good price (free). It looks like it it all there and almost working. It powers on but as I fed a board through the rollers disintegrated. If been searching the web, and see a number of placed to get them recovered. So I went to remove the rollers. I think all I have to do is undo the philips head bolts (2 each side of each roller). But they are not phillips; they are smooth. I don’t know if thats the way they are and I’m approaching this wrong, or if previously someone has tried and stripped every one of the eight.
If they should be phillips, does anyone have an idea how I can get them out.
Also the rollers on the bottom plate are not rolling freely. It seems those parts are discontinued. Has anyone found a suitable substitute for these.
So I am not the only one who got a free 2030.
I'll try to help. I never got the planer to work as someone threw out the clip that holds the planer knives in place. So I took it apart to get the rollers recovered (a common issue with these machines) but never got it back together.
I just took a look and I'm pretty sure the screws you are looking at were philips at one time. I had a lot of trouble loosening them. I'd start with a wire brush in case the head is packed with saw dust. It might also be time to get a bolt extractor. I have had a lot of trouble with stuck screws and bolts on this machine, I had to drill out quite a few. A set of left hand drill bits gives you a chance it will screw out but never really worked for me. Sometimes an extractor did work other times I had to drill it all the way. I'd that happened, and I had clearance drilled and taped for the next size larger screw. Otherwise I tried to chase the existing thread with a tap.
I intended (when I checked the screws I found the parts I had picked up) to change those philips screws for socket cap screws (the ones you use a allen wrench on).
I would not put back any of the gold color screws. I am not exactly sure what they are made out of but they are very soft. As I write this I wonder if they might be aluminum for some reason. Just this winter I had to drill the ones that hold the jointer fence.
As for the bottom rollers, yeah discontinued parts is what killed mine. Some parts for the 2030n fit but not all. You could try and removed derust and lube or just put some melamine down and skip the rollers. It is a common mod people do to planners.
Best of luck.
I had the planer for years an d am sorry someone convinced me to sell it.I inserted a sheet of 3/4 melamine to lengthen the bed with a stop block of course.Dont recall if the bottom rollers were ever exposed.Kept the melamine waxed.
Check out this method for cheap roller recovering--vinyl tubing from Lowes for ~ $5.
I had exactly this issue with the same model machine last fall, and I wish I had photographed my solution for you, but words will have to do. I got a big selection of driver bits for my Makita 14 volt cordless impact driver. Found the Phillips size that fit the best, chucked it up, set the driver for reversing, double-checked that it was reversing, engaged the screw head, then raised the planer deck to lock the driver and bit into the screw. Pulsed the trigger, just a quick pulse, then boom! Broke free with no cam-out. It's a little time consuming, but using the planer deck to lock that tool in place was a stroke of genius if I do say so myself, and worked brilliantly. The Makita happens to have a flat backside with rubbery cladding that made this work great. Just break them loose this way, and back them out later with the planer deck out of the way.
Send the rollers to Western Roller. They know what they are doing. Mine came back in three weeks and this 35 year old machine is now working perfectly.
My dad had the same problem a few years ago and if I remember correctly he solved it kind of the same way you did @VTSR5. Hopefully this works for you too @EdHolzmann
Any one know how or where to get planner blades for a 2030? Can’t find them anywhere and about ready to sell my unit for parts to anyone
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