What is the procedure for removing the infeed/outfeed rollers for the
Makita 2040 planer? I need to replace/or have them resurfaced as they
have disintegrated. Also, any tips on their replacement? Thanks.
What is the procedure for removing the infeed/outfeed rollers for the
Makita 2040 planer? I need to replace/or have them resurfaced as they
have disintegrated. Also, any tips on their replacement? Thanks.
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It's been more than ten years since I did this so I really don't remember much. I do know that one thing that would have helped is photos of how the roller adjustments on top were set before I started. There are four adjustment locations and knowing exactly how recessed the outer of each one was would have been a help. The same goes for the inner screw which adjusts roller tension. Knowing how far each was exposed before I started would have also helped.
The rollers from Makita are expensive and they can be recovered for a lot less money. A Google search for companies that recover the rollers will locate a number of options. Look for someone who's done them before.
Makita 2040 Roller Removal
Thanks for your reply. I'm not the most intuitive person nor am I too willing to experiment without knowing the potential
consequences. I'm hoping for someone who can remember detailed directions. Anyone who could write and photograph
the process could make a lot of money from the confusion that many others have also experienced.
Makita roller removing
Block under roller and raise table to support. Then remove 4 screws ( 2 each side). Remove metal clip and then lower table to remove roller. Springs will come out with roller. Remove blocks from each end. Chain gear has keyway for removing gear.
I replaced 4 screws with allen head M5x14 for future removing of the rollers.
When having a roller resurfaced remember the shipping cost. This can add up. I found out because ai live in Canada and the cost more then doubled. A new roller, in Canada, cost about $390 plus tax, from Makita.
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