Anybody know if I can get a PC 2″ blade to fit in my Makita biscuit cutter so I can cut FF slots?
Anybody know if I can get a PC 2″ blade to fit in my Makita biscuit cutter so I can cut FF slots?
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The Makita may not have a long enough stroke to cut to the required depth.
Practice...'till you can do it right the first time.
I think it would, I wonder if the arbor is the same size though?
There is a special spring loaded cam in the PC machine for the smaller cutter. It allows the fence system to change registration and travel position. I doubt that the Makita has the same arrangement. The PC cutters have 7/8" (22mm) arbors. You can buy slotting bits for a router in many sizes including FF. I think there are some inexpensive FF machines available. The size is very handy in lots of small places.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
I was messing with a PC today, and I think it might actually work. Like you say, it needs to plunge further, but I think the Makita might actually go far enough. However, the PC blade, which is the same arbor size as the Makita, costs $60. I think I'll just dowel these, and find a good deal on the PC machine. Thanks for the input.
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