Makita planer – roller collecting chips

I have a now vintage Makita jointer/planer combo, bought new decades ago, and it’s been a work horse for me. I had the rollers re-surfaced maybe 12-15 years ago, and it cuts like a champ. Except — I’m doing a job with clear white pine, and the rollers are picking up the chips, which stick to them, making “divots” in the surface of the board. I need to stop every 2 passes to try to clear the rollers of chips. Clearly, this isn’t sustainable. Any thoughts? Do the rollers need to be resurfaced again? Is it heat/humidity? Is there something I could coat them with to reduce the problem? Thanks in advance.
The problem is not with your rollers, it’s about removing chips before they get trapped under the outfeed roller. It’s a common thing about pine and I ended up sanding the divots away.
I have a vacuum system retrofitted to the planer that typically does a good job. What would you recommend to help remove enough chips to make this not a problem? I haven't tried any other species since this happened -- I think you're suggesting it may be fine with hardwoods? Fingers crossed. Thanks for the reply. I actually steamed most of them out after my final pass, but it's still evident. I should note that just last year I made two bookcases from white pine with no issues from the planer, so something seems to have changed.
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