Manufacture of after market riving knife

I purchase this riving knife approximately 2012 -2014. as a after market universal riving knife attachment. This was attached to a Grizzly 1023 S 10″ table saw which is one of the table saws the ad said it would fit and it did. .I was cutting 1 3/4″ Black Jack Oad, 6″ wide, using the fence. while cutting the braces broke in the weak spot in the center “Aluminum” which is not very sturdy or well made ‘should have been a clue not to use’. When the bracket broke the knife part move forward making contact with the rear of the blade which threw it forward into my face. I do not feel this was my fault, or looking for any kind of restitution, I literally want to let fellow woodworkers that if they have one get a better one. In the image attached you will see some drill hose where my friend thought he could repair it to splice it togerther to reuse, of course I told him I would never use it again, fixed or not
Note: I have lost my eye site in the left eye because of this, seriously, not exagerating.
My question is; does anyone know who made this, I do not have a recipe for this. It was not a well know company ie: Grizzly, Jet, Dewalt ect….
Replies pay such a price for trying to be safer is a real kick in the balls. Best wishes on your recovery, and thanks for sharing your cautionary story. I wish I had info for you!
No idea on the origin, but thanks for your story and experience!
That might be a BORK (Bolt On Riving Knife).
If you Google it you can compare photos of a BORK to yours.
I don't think BORKs are sold anymore.
Wow that's nuts. No excuse for a product to fail like that. Sure looks like the BORK riving knife. If you ordered it new, likely you have an email receipt and a credit card record of purchase.
From a guy who lost an eye from my own mistake and also not wearing my glasses, it is a life altering mistake. The medical costs and prosthetics are forever.
I'm not remotely litigious but if I lost my eye from a faulty product like that I would be going after damages from who ever made it.
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