Curious if anyone has suggestions for replacing warn pins in an old marking gauge. Not only how to get them out, but what to use as their replacements. Also, what is the best method for sharpening existing ones. Thanks.
Edited 5/24/2002 5:58:24 PM ET by Doc
I just replaced pins in an old marking guage. Surprisingly they just pop out, obviously only a press fit. I then found a couple of brads the right diameter and drove them in, cut them off about the right lenght and sharpened them. I sharpened mine to a knife point on the 1in. belt sander. Works fine!!! BTW I made them a little longer, assuming that the old ones had worn down some.
I got the info on one of these web discussion groups but I don't remember which, suffering from CRS :)
Edited 5/24/2002 6:03:42 PM ET by Uncle Fixit
Frank's advice is on the money. When I replaced the pin in an old gauge I pulled out the old one with a pliers. I used a little finish nail for the new pin. I also drove it in point first and then cut it off to the right length.
I sharpen all the pins on my gauges to a knife edge too. I use a safe-edge file--I believe it's the one they sell to sharpen auger bits. It's a little file with both ends shaped like an elongated diamond. One end has teeth on the flat with a safe edge; the other has teeth on the edge but none on the flat.
Sorry I've forgotten where I picked up the file. A little while ago I was looking for a large safe-edge file, but none of my usual catalog outfits had any. I finally found them at MSC Industrial Supply.
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