Mason and Sullivan Clock Kits Available

My father is moving to a retirement home and I discovered several sets of Mason and Sullivan clock plans, works, hardware — everything except the wood. He apparently purchased these in 1978 and they have been sitting in their original packaging since then. I have the above materials for 1) Long Drop Regulator Clock, 2) Eli Terry Clock, and 3) English Carriage Clock. Mason and Sullivan has went out of business years ago, but in their day they were known for great having top quality products.. I would like to see someone make use of them!
If you are interested in purchasing any of these please email me. I can send pictures and we can discuss the price. BTW: I think these are worth in excess of $200 each. I have attached photos for the rgulator and carriage clocks.
TedGary(AT) replace (AT) with @
I would like to purchased the Eli terry clock if you have it. 200 would be ok.
clock kits
I'm retired and have a lot of time. I have a sullivan and mason grandfather clock complete but being out of work I don't if I can afford you stuff. You can send me pics of what you have and I can try and find work. I could use a good project. Thanks Ron
My email is
Mason Sullivan Clock Kits
I am interested in one of the mason Sulliva Clock Kits. Please let me know if still available and price.
Thank you.
I just saw your post about the clock plans. Do you still have them? I might be interested.
are the kits still available?
I would be interested in the long drop regulator clock if the kit is still available.
I just completed a schoolhouse clock from a 1982 woodworking magazine and now need the movement and all the hardware. Mason and Sullivan is recommended in the article. What have you got?
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