Mason and Sullivan Granddaughter Clock

We will shortly be shipping a Mason and Sullivan Granddaughter Clock. Can’t find the instructions on how to remove the weight and pendulum and secure the mechanism for shipping. Hoping that some one can help us.
Phil McC
Just ran across this forum with a similar question as I have.
I've an older home-built clock with a Mason and Sullivan movement but a simple pendulum - removing that was easy. But it needs to be packed and moved - does one need to do anything to secure the mechanism and the 'bonger' for shipping and storage?
The weights have a hook at the top, the chain remains with the mechanism. The pendulum has a calibrated leaf spring at the top where it connects to the mechanism, below the spring is a sliding clip, just raise the pendulum and un-hook it. If you google grandfather clock packaging you will find plenty of information , they sell boxes especially made for that but that won’t replace lack of experience in packaging. Most moving companies offer the packaging service.
Thanks for this. The key was to google "packaging" - one that I hadn't tried.
Looks to me like the question I asked "...anything to secure the mechanism and 'bonger'" is answered by this... "It is a good idea to secure the chime rods and the chime hammer. When the clock is being moved, there is certain vibration that can bring the damage to the chime and striking mechanism. If the chimes are not securely glued together use foam to hold it together to prevent any movement during transportation." I will stabilize the 'bonger' (chime rods and hammer) with styrofoam and that appears to be all that is suggested.
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