Mason and Sullivan Vienna Regulator Clock Model 6672

My husband was going to build this clock. He purchased the plans, sourced someone to create the clock works (by the time he started to do this M & S was closed down and he found someone in England who was willing to work with him), and even began to cut and prep the wood (he was making it out of walnut as was described in the M & S catalog). Unfortunately, life and ALS got in the way before the clock was finished. I am now making it my mission to have it finished in his memory, but need some help: If someone could copy photos/info from this catalog or share info about the following, I be most grateful: info and pictures of the hardware for the cabinet of this clock (I need to purchase some, but do not know how to go about this, but pictures should help, I think!); instructions on how to mount the clock works). If you built this clock and have words of wisdom/advice, that would be gratefully appreciated!
I saw that in 2019 “Suburbanguy” was helping another Forum member “MikeStanley”(who posted that he had the opportunity to purchase a kit from an estate) by giving him the cost of the kit from a 1980’s M & S catalog.
I am at a loss as to how to proceed, so all help would be gratefully accepted and appreciated. Thank you!
The plans should include all of the hardware requirements. As for mounting the clock works, it's probably different than what Mason and Sullivan called for, since the works you have were bought from someone else. It's probably better to contact them directly, if you can. But it shouldn't be difficult to figure out.
HI, John,
Thanks for your response. When I thought about starting this project, all I could find is the plan drawings with measurements themselves, no description of the hardware needs. I am not sure whether my husband purchased the plans with or without hardware. I found someone who is selling an old 1985 M & S catalog and asked if they could look at it to see if this clock kit was listed in it as well as the hardware so I can purchase it and get an idea as to what is needed. I am really out of my league in this case!
Old posts, but you might have a shot here:
Thanks, MJ, I, too, found that post. I registered and submitted my questions, but don't see posted...