Looking for a copy of the Mason & Sullivan Clock Company plan for a Massachusetts Shelf Clock. This company has been out of business for several years, hope someone has an old copy in their files. Thanks!
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Are you talking about the Eli Terry-type mantle clock? If so, Carlyle Lynch drew a set of plans for an exact reproduction of this clock, also called "pillar and scroll". Plans are still available by contacting his granddaughter, who advertises regularly in the classified section of FWW.
Thanks for your reply Ray, but the plan I'm looking for is not the Pillar and Scroll Eli Terry design. I've never seen a plan for the Mass Shelf clock anywhere except in the old Mason & Sullivan catalog. I've been looking for years maybe I'll find one someday.
Hi! Guess what -- the M&S inventory and rights were bought some years ago by Woodcraft Supply. I found this out a year or so ago when I was looking for a set of plans for one of their grandfather clocks. Woodcraft was very kind to send me a photocopy of the plans and didn't even charge me for them. My suggestion is to email them and see what happens. They made a marketing decision after buying the company not to continue the business, but they still have some (note: some) stuff left.Incidentally, as it turned out, M&S, which was located on Cape Cod, outsourced a lot of the kit parts to local woodworkers, mostly retirees, who either didn't want to continue doing it or couldn't make it practical for another firm located in West Virginia. So, after giving it a hard look, Woodcraft decided against the kit business in favor of more promising retail store expansion. And there you have it....
I just found a photo of the grandfather clock in the making. I added some inlays and custom features. Bought beveled glass for the face and sides.
Dang ya can see right through it! How ya do that?
Heh heh, must be an optical illusion.
Jim- I've heard that story before, I contacted WOODCRAFT about a year ago and they were very helpful but did not have the plan for the Mass Shelf Clock. Thanks anyway-Ron
Would you consider forwarding me the Woodcraft Supply contact information? I've constructed a schoolhouse clock which recommends M&S mechanism and hardware. Bill
Ron, If you know someone who is a member of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, they have a lending library. I was a member sometime back and borrowed several books on clocks, clock plans and history. As a member you pay only the shipping cost as I remember. If you go to their website, NAWCC.ORG, you may be able to view the list of books they have, they have a very extensive library. Good luck.
Robert-I have a friend that is a member of NAWCC and he has posted requests for the Mason & Sullivan Mass Shelf Clock plan but we haven't found one as yet. NAWCC is an excellent resource for all types of clock history and information.
if your still looking.
I saw your post today and thought i have some old mason sullivans plans so i took a look and in vol. 1 of mason & sullivans clockmakers journal they have themassachusetts shelf clock plan and parts list and if you would still like it you can have it. email me at rmclayton@centurylink.net with your name and address and its yours. Rick.
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