Metric tape measure brands and which ones to purchase
In the US, but want to use the Metric system; however, finding a hard time to get a metric tape measure. Will be purchasing one from online; however, what brands are good?
Can be tape or folding ruler to not have preference since each has its place.
Thank you
I am a huge fan of the FastCap tape measures. Affordable and very handy.
They include a pencil sharpener (granted for regular round pencils, not carpenter pencils) and a white pad on the side to write measurements on.
I use the Lefty/Righty Carpenters and the flat backed layout. But, these are both in inches, not metric. But, I know they offer metric versions.
I have the Fastcap Metric Reverse (True32) ProCarpenter Tape Measure. It has metric on both edges, they have others that have metric on one and imperial on the other.
I use the Fastcap Pro Carpenter. It has both imperial and metric.
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