Hi. I’m interested in the credenza from FW #261 by Libby Schrum, and wondering what wood species are used. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly white oak for the cabinet, and the base looks like walnut, but in some views looks like an exotic. Opinions from the experts out there? Thank you!
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She calls out the species in the last paragraph of the article.
Oops! Glossed right over that! Thank you for pointing it out. Wenge then. Ok!
To quote Ben Strano... Made you look!
Hello again, all. So, two years later, I am finally building Libby Shrum's Mid-Century Modern credenza. Have the plans, have the article.
Doing the critical domino placement for the drawer pocket box using 4x20's as spec'd. At the top of page 61 in the article, she says "The rest of the mortices for the center divider and drawer box are straightforward and can be cut by registering on the base of the Domino."
So, I'm getting set up to do the mortices on the end grain of the 1/2" box boards. The reference surface of the board is clamped to my table saw and ready, but when I slide the Domino base up to the end grain, the position of the bit is too high, partially outside of the other side of the board. Can't change that obviously. So, not straightforward... for me anyway.
The only thing I can think of is to shim the board up a sixteenth to put the bit in the middle of the end grain. Then I'll need to slip the other reference lines on the bottom and side carcase boards by exactly that sixteenth. Scary.
Has anyone else built this piece? And could you please share how you got around this problem, perhaps in a more straightforward manner?
Thank you very much!
PS. I have the older Domino machine, the one with the pegs instead of the foldup, lockable plastic one like Ms. Schrum has. Is there perhaps a difference in the center height of the bit from the base between the new and old models?
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