I have a chance to pick up an older MM s45 bandsaw at a good price. It looks in good shape and comes with a 1.8hp motor, which I find odd. The little research I have done on this saw, they sound like solid machines, does anyone have experience with this saw?
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They were early examples of the Euro style welded frame bandsaws, of the type that have become pretty universal. They were highly thought of, but I forget what became of them.
See what the blade guides are like, if you can get replacement pads or such if they use them, or if you can replace the guides entirely. Make sure they take standard blades and tires, so you don't need to have them custom made.
Replacing guides could end up bringing the total cost to that of a new saw, so be careful.
It's made by the SCMI Group. Made in Italy. It's good equipment.
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