anyone know how I can replace this handle? Been like this for at least 57 years lol
and no, I do not have the original handle
anyone know how I can replace this handle? Been like this for at least 57 years lol
and no, I do not have the original handle
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Measure the distance between the holes' centers and scroll fleabay. You'll probly find a pair you can live with before you find an exact match.
If ebay's not your thing, this kind of hardware is readily available online. Rockler has an assortment, but there are plenty of others.
You might find something close here:
If you can't find a satisfactory match, consider replacing both.
You'll find 100 choices that are similar, but you'll never find an exact match. If it were me, I'd get all new handles that match.
Try Van Dykes Restoration:
They have lots of old hardware, pulls etc.
If there is a recycler / salvage place near you they very likely have bins with thousands of drawer pulls, uncataloged and collected over many years. Any design manufactured like that would have been mass produced. I'd think if you can find a big enough pile and have a few hours to spend you have a fairly good chance of finding that same one or finding a pair that works that you actually like better.