Miter Saw detents for 45 degree crown

Is anyone aware of a miter saw that has detents for 45 degree crown molding? All of the saws I’ve seen thus far only have detents for 32 or 52 degree spring angles. The 45 degree crown for a flat cut requires a 35.3 degree detent for a 90 degree turn.
I have to assume there is a model out there with a 35.3 degree detent.
The DeWalt 10" has the positions marked, but not detents. My Bosch 5412 doesn't have the positions even marked, much less detents. But it does have detents for 52/38 crown.
All day, every day, it seems like I'm cutting 45 degree crown. I've recently moved to doing some cutting on the flat, and had no problems getting close enough to 35.26 degrees. Unless you are doing little pieces, there should be very close.
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