I recently made Mike Pekovitch’s dedicated sled for mitred boxes (Tools & Shops #286 Tablesaw Sleds for Joinery) complete with the split-level base. I have a problem with a piece of residual stock that is left on one face.
When I make the first cut from my stock it leaves a clean mitre. However, when I make the second cut to sever this first side of the box completely, this piece is effectively floating off of the split-level base and is unsupported. It drops down under it’s own weight marginally before the blade has completed the cut, leaving a little un-severed piece on the mitre face.
It does this each time – one good face the other not.
I thought it was perhaps to do with the height of the saw blade, but I have since raised it to the maximum I can safely do within the sled and it is still causing this issue.
Another thought was is it the type of blade (AFB) and would a flat ground make a difference?
I have watched Mike’s video and his piece drops away with a clean face so can anyone help me with what I’m doing wrong? Thanks.
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You are not doing anything wrong, without getting into the weeds; just crosscut the board into the four sides + 1/16" to 1/8" and then miter them individually using the method he describes. This would also eliminate the need for the elevated platform.
Or, again, remove the platform and miter the pieces from one continuous board as he shows. You can remove the offcut before returning to the home position if you are concerned it will catch the blade on the return stroke.
Thanks for the reply. I have removed the platform and all works well. I wouldn't mind you getting into the weeds though if you could explain what is going on. I would find it informative and very useful. Thanks again.
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