Does anyone know of any problems that could occur from spraying sanding sealer over a linseed oil finish, then applying paste wax? I’d like to get some feedback before I try it on a piece I have a lot of hours in.
Does anyone know of any problems that could occur from spraying sanding sealer over a linseed oil finish, then applying paste wax? I’d like to get some feedback before I try it on a piece I have a lot of hours in.
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What are you trying to accomplish? What is the purpose of the boiled linseed oil? What do you see is the function of the "sanding sealer"?
Sanding sealer is a very soft, fast drying undercoat that is designed to be easy to sand. But, it has no protective qualities. It is poor as a barrier to water and water vapor and has no abrasion resistance. Also, there are a number of different sanding sealers and they need to be matched to the finish coat.
Sanding sealers are not really needed. The first coat of any finish acts as a sealer. Thin the first coat 40-50% with mineral spirits and that is all you need.
Wax doesn't bring anything to the party either. Wax also is no barrier to water vapor nor does it have any durability.
To answer your question, any finish can be put over boiled linseed oil as long as you allow the BLO to fully cure--maybe 5-7 days.
Edited 2/4/2005 6:06 pm ET by Howie
That is a very strange finish combination that you are considering, and one I would not recommend. What are you trying to accomplish?
I would suggest you get a book on finishing. Your question suggests that you need to get some basic information on the ways that various finishing materials are used.
For a more immediate answer to your question it would be useful to know if you used plain linseed oil or boiled linseed oil.
John W.
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