I designing a Mobil table to be used as a miter saw station with support wings
and also to use as a table saw outfeed table/ work bench. Has anyone built something like this? If so how did it turn out?
I designing a Mobil table to be used as a miter saw station with support wings
and also to use as a table saw outfeed table/ work bench. Has anyone built something like this? If so how did it turn out?
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I haven't built it, but there was an issue of Popular Woodworking a couple of years ago which had plans for such a beast - outfeed table for TS, miter saw station, big-#### router table, downdraft sanding table, all rolled into one. IIRC, the whole thing was MDF, with the top and base being built as torsion boxes. I think I ran across the plans out on the internet, as well, but somewhere at home I have a paper copy of the magazine, if you want me to give you the issue number.
Hi markstu,
That would be great if you could find the issue numder.
I think the article markstu is referring to is in American Woodworker Issue #82 October 2000. I considered building it for a while, but combining too many animals into one severly limits productivity. Every time you want to use the MS you have to take down the router table, everytime you want to use the table saw you have to take down the miter saw, etc. If you like the one machine fits all method, this thing is awsome.
Good luck.
Hi Dick
It is out on the internet here:
I can hunt down the actual magazine as well, if you still need it.
Let me know.
are you thinking of this
edit: doh, i see someone already linked the appropriate article
I did build myself one of these http://www.popularwoodworking.com/features/fea.asp?id=1021
lately, works great as a mobile chop saw station, and the wings are sturdy enough for me to put large boards up for laying out cut diagrams.
Edited 6/4/2003 5:55:51 PM ET by JDorn
Thanks to everybody, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Here's an interesting stand:
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