I’ve had a few inquiries concerning MontanaFest lately and it seems an update is in order.
MontanaFest will be held July 21, 22, 23 this year. I’m currently meeting with caterers to firm up dates, menus and prices. I hope to have a cost to join us for MontanaFest very soon.
The workshops are the cornerstone of MontanaFest. I’m looking for presenters so if you feel you’re qualified and have a topic of interest get in touch with me, I’m all ears. Please be aware that presenters pay the same fees all others do, the fees are cost based so there is no money to subsidize anyone’s attendance. We have also found that the best teachers are those willing to do it for free, they are the most willing to share.
Ruth and I want the input of people that attended last year and from people that are considering attending this year in order to make this MontanaFest better than ever. We are limiting attendance to 40 people, that is the most we can handle comfortably.
We are wondering about the live entertainment on Saturday night. Last year we cleared the workshop floor of tools and had a band. There was dancing in the workshop, horseshoes at the pits and tall tales of woodworking exploits told around the bonfire. It was a great climax to a great weekend. We are sure everyone enjoyed the music but would love to get some feedback one way or the other.
For those new to this place and unfamiliar with MontanaFest go here, www.MontanaFest.com for last year’s information and lots of pictures of the event.
Thanks for your input!
Hi Lee,
I wanted to go to MontanaFest last year but couldn't make it work out. The pics made it look like it was a lot of fun. I will have to miss it again this year though because we will be in China adopting a baby girl - sorry, but she takes precedence. I do look forward to making it to MontanaFest at some point in the future, even though I will likely be the least skilled one there.
Will, as MontanaFest evolves it becomes more apparent who the attendees are. MontanaFest is for the serious amateur. While professionals attend the lion's share are not trying to make a living at this, just develop their skills. This year the workshops will be keeping that in mind with emphasis put on stock preparation, joinery and tool use, both power and hand. There will be a couple of specialty workshops to stretch people out such as veneering, carving or inlay and two or three lathes will be spinning between workshops for those wanting to make round things.So, don't sweat your own skill level. Come if you want to improve it, Montanafest is not a skills test, it's a party with a point and the point is to have fun improving your skills.Congrats on the adoption, you'll have to bring her along next year.Lee
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