I have about 15 years worth of FWW mags and even (dare I say on this forum) a few years of other publications. I’m sure I’ve seen several plans for Morris Chairs over the years but now that I have the idea to build one I cannot find any plans!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone have a recommendation for a source of a good set of plans?
Thanks in advance!
Fine Woodworking published plans for a Morris Chair in issue #101. If you don't own that back issue, the article is available as a download on FineWoodworkingNetwork.com. (requires monthly or annual subscription)
Here's a link to the page where it can be downloaded: http://www.taunton.com/FWN/ProjectsAndDesign/ProjectsAndDesignPDF.aspx?id=2283
Matt Berger
Managing Editor
Here are two of my favorites:
Scroll down a bit on the second one. I just bought the bow arm plans from Grizzly.
Thanks to you both!These look like excellent suggestions.My very first post to this site and i got the answers I was looking for!Londonlad
More than welcome. RIck
Now that I have finished my basement. The furniture that is in my living room will go down there. In the Living room, My plan (approved by my wife-to-be) is to build two Morris chairs No. 332 w/ottomans, a prairie sofa No. 220 and a Stickley style coffee table (a shortened version of No. 655 Library table) to match.
All of the plans are comming from one book.
The book is titled, Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture, mesured and drawn by Robert W. Lang. From Cambium Press. http://www.cambiumbooks.com/books/furniture_projects/1-892836-14-9/
The author researched and in many cases measure origanal Skickley pieces. He goes into exstensive detail about which of the Stickley bros. designed each piece and which branch of the Stickley furniture tree it came from. It is one of the most interesting reads and well put together furniture books I have ever read.
Good Luck!
I've built a morris chair off this set of plans:
I found the plans to be really good, and of all the Morris chair variations I have seen I really like the way this one came out.
Do you find the chair comfortable or simply decorative?I mean is it a chair you could in which you might happily spend an evening watching TV ?Londonlad
exceptionally comfortable, but not significantly more or less than other Morris chairs. The basic template for all of these chairs is pretty well set. One thing I would say is that the cushions make a big difference, I went to a shop known for their furniture upholstery, picked out a hide I wanted and left the rest to them. This is one thing where you shouldn't try to cut corners.The frame that the bottom cushion rests on can be made with this upholstery webbing called texweb, here's a link:
http://www.vandykes.com/product/02357958/This rubberized webbing really gives the seat cushion a plusher feel, it's easy to attach to the frame with bite clamps (you can get them at Rockler).BTW, I'm making the matching ottoman right now.
Thanks Tangomike - I'll use your advice on both the webbing and the clamps!Someone elses experience is always good to have!
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