Motex adverts on FWW appear to be scam

Anyone else seeing ads for Motex on many FWW pages? Looks like some scam or product of very dubious worth. Ad photos show people pushing plug sockets in with various bizarre devices with some text saying this will save you electric (yeah right). Ads like this have no relevance to woodworking and tarnish the otherwise great FWW content. I don’t mind ads even as a subscriber but they should be ones that would be acceptable for the print version of FWW.
I've never seen that ad. My guess is you clicked on something on another site, and the ad is targeting you specifically.
Thanks. I cleared cookies from my browser as those ads didn’t show again. Guess it was just one of those ad severs that litter web pages with junk.
This type ad is definitely a scam. I see some that defy imagination due to impossibility. If it looks ridiculous, its a scam.
Maybe that's how they get 6HP from a shop vac.
Now you tell me. I ordered a dozen of them.
Isn't the Motex a Festool product?
I think that's Brotex.
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