I am an American whose work has relocated me to Stuttgart, Germany. A piece of furniture that had enormous sentimental value to me arrived damaged and I need help finding a cabinet maker — a schränkhersteller — capable of repairing it.
The piece: The specific piece is a small two-drawer writing desk. It has drop-leaves on either side. Its top is four book-matched veneers with an inlay border approx two inches in from the edge. The drop-leaves echo the top — matched and inlaid.
The damage: All four feet have been snapped off their lyre-shaped legs. The feet are brass-tipped with small casters. These breaks, while not “clean,” seem to be repairable with glue, dowels, and some finishing work. A more severe issue is a deep dent in the top writing surface. The surface was flawless prior to this move; I’d like it repaired back to that state.
If anyone can recommend a fine cabinetmaker in the Stuttgart area capable of these repairs I would be very, very grateful.
Best regards, Paul
Thereis a company in Metten that sells high end tools, I think they will be able to help you if you don't get a satisfactory answer here.
Dick GmbH - Donaustrasse 51 - 94526 Metten - Germany. 991 / 91 09 30
Merci, Danke, Thank you, Citrouille --
Many thanks to all.
The Landesfachverband Schreinerhandwerk Baden-Würtemberg was indeed able to help -- what a great resource for this kind of problem! They've recommended and provided a phone number of a cabinetmaker local to me, I've left a message on his machine. At the very least he'll be able to tell me if the desk top is repairable.
You're a great group -- I expected nothing less from woodworkers. Again, thank you!
Mit freundlich Grüßen,
You might want to contact the "Landesfachverband Schreinerhandwerk Baden-Würtemberg". They should be able to provide you with a list of "Möbelschreinermeister". http://www.schreiner-bw.de/
Or do a search on http://www.in-schreiner.de/ (check the box "Möbelrestauration" and click "Suche")
Edited 8/15/2006 12:28 pm ET by chscholz
Sehr geehrte Paul!
Congratulations on getting moved to Stuttgart. You'll find it to be a great town.
If you have no luck in the Stuttgart area, try in Calw and some of the other towns in the Schwarzwald area...they do a lot of custom woodworking there...cuckoo clocks and other cool stuff. There's sure to be someone that can help you out.
Plus, it's just a good excuse to go for a drive and see some superb countryside. The ride down the hill from the Stuttgart plateau into the Schwarzwaldtal is incredible! As a side note, Calw is where Hermann Hesse was born, if you didn't already know that. And there are a bunch of really nice Gasthäuser all along the road from Freiburg north to Pforzheim.
On a totally different note, if you haven't already, try the local Käsespätzle and the Knödel: absolutely superb! Stuttgarter Hofbräu is a decent local Bier, and the wines from the Neckar vineyards are pretty good, too, if you partake of adult beverages. (Lived in Böblingen for 3 years in the late 80s.) You'll have a great time while you're there. Once you get to know them, the Schwaben are great people!!
Mit freundlichen holzbearbeitungischen Grüßen!
Edited 8/15/2006 2:11 pm by pzgren
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