Any good jewelry box making books out there?
Interesting joints and designs?
Any good jewelry box making books out there?
Interesting joints and designs?
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I am actually in the process of a jewelry box commission, but while designing the piece, I looked thru several books for ideas.
400 Wood Boxes; Lark Books
Award-Winning Wood Boxes: Design and Technique; Tony Lydgate
The Art of Making Small Wood Boxes; Tony Lydgate
Creating Beautiful Boxes with Inlay Techniques; Doug Stowe
Box-Making Basics; David M Freedman
The first book has many pictures and is a great source for inspiration and ideas, wheras the others are more to do with actual design and techniques. The Doug Stowe book is im my opinion the best of the 4.
My box should be done in about 2 weeks--I'll post some pics when it's finished.
Good luck to you...
Thanks Peter, I'll look for those books.
Do you know how to make splined miter joints, one guy named Al (some famous box maker) even made butterfly splined miter joints, beautiful.
Not sure what kind of router bit he used though.thanks again, Gary
Yes--I've used splined miters on many of my boxes. I make them on the table saw, but you could adapt to the router if you wanted to.
I start by cutting regular miters at 45 degrees. Then turn the work piece around 180 degrees and lower the blade(still set at 45 deg) so that it goes about 1/2 way up the wood. Set up the fence close to the blade (or a stop on a sacrificial miter fence works well too) so that the blade cuts into the the miter. Make this cut w/ all miters.
Be careful not to get the spline too close to the outside edge of the miter though, or strength will be lost. After the grooves are cut, make the splines. Contrasting woods are nice sometimes. Make sure that the grain in the spline is running across the joint, and not along it.
You might try keyed miters also. They are similar, except they run across the corners thru the outside of the joint instead if inside them.
They may sound complicated, but they are really easy to cut once you get the hang of them.
The two books I like are:
"Fine Decorative Boxes" By Andrew Crawford
"Making Heirloom Boxes" By Peter Lloyd
The butterfly keyed mitre uses a dovetail cutter in the router, not tried one but have done the straight keys¤t=Beechbox1.jpg
Edited 8/2/2005 12:47 pm ET by jasonb
Edited 8/2/2005 12:48 pm ET by jasonb
Thanks Peter, great tip! Easy, since the angle is already set.
How would I make a butterfly spline vs. straight spline?
Router table?Gary
Do a search at Amazon - you'll find all the books referred to below, and others. Some used, and if you're in the US, quite cheap!
0.06% of the world's people are Kiwis
Any good jewelry box making books out there?
Interesting joints and designs?
Just me.. Just use your IMAGINATION! Remember when you were a KID???
Go for it and see what happens.. Why copy another unless you can get rich over it?
I was interested in learning about joints and jigs, but you're right.
The more creative the better. Once I get the mechanics down, I will go for it.
After all, I have a design degree! Thanks Will.
Once I get the mechanics down, I will go for it.Reminds me way back in the 50's.. A car I was workin' on fell off jack and I was PINNED!Fire guy asked me if I could breath??? I told him I been under here for a few hours !!!EDIT:: Just a hint.. Go for it and try! You may be amazed what you can do!
Edited 8/3/2005 3:15 pm ET by Will George
You sound like a good guy, are you a teacher?Maybe you can give me your email address, so we can chat more efficiently.
Up to you. Are you in California?Gary
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