Need help Identifying Powermatic fence
I purchased a used Powermatic 66 tablesaw at auction a few days ago and am going to restore it over the holidays. The tablesaw came with this fence system that I have never seen before. It is like a T-Fence and attaches directly to the cast iron top with holes in the top of the table every 10 inches or so. I called powermatic and they were not sure what it was either. I called J Remonds and they think it may be a production fence. I am not sure wether or not I will be using this fence but would love to know what it is and wether it would be worth fixing. Any info or literature on it would be appreciated. Attached is
picture. My email is [email protected]
Thanks Paul
Rack and pinion fence usually found on Northfield, Tannewitz, etc. I still find the Biesemeyer much quicker and able to trust the scale on it. Most likely cobbled from some other source. In thirty years I can't recall seeing a PM with that fence or even in the old catalogs. Maybe someone at OWWM has some paper on it.
I am almost certain it is original because the the cast iron tabletop on the saw is a Powermatic top and it has the bosses for the holes casted into it. I found this pic of one on the powermatic (about poermatic button) website. Even when I showed the people at powermatic this pic on the web site they still could not identify it. I am attaching the pic. Thanks Paul
Now I remember that saw. They briefly did that slider thing. It was only issued a few years. I remember seeing it on the line when it was green and never saw it on the gold ones. Pricey fence but the Biese is still a better fence for the long run but since you have it you might give it a go. I've used those types of fences and they are slow to set but great for long production runs.
Hi Rick ,
Looks to me that fence would work good with the use of a power feeder .
As would a biesemeyer with a clamp on the end. That's how we used a powerfeed in the commercial shops.
Powermatic Production Fence
In the early 80's, I purchased a new Powermatic 66 saw with that production fence. It was absolutely the nines for use with a feeder. I did all my glue lines with that rig for a few years. To this day I haven't jointed a glue line after seeing how fast and efficient the table saw could do it. Of course, now I only have a 9" delta saw running an 8" blade. But all the work (in the last two years) that required glue line ripping is done on that little saw. Sure wish I could have the Powermatic saw back..!!
original powermatic fences
I bought my powematic at auction and it had the original fence on it. I took it off and put a delta fence on.
The aftermarket fences are popular for a good reason. Figure out which one you want and instal it.
You won't regret it.
Powermatic Production Fence
On 3/14/1980 I Purchased a Powermatic 66 table saw and production fence from Southern Minnesota Machinery. At that time it cost $500.
I found the fence to be perfect for use with a feeder. This is how I did all my glue line ripping. I wish I could have it again.
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