Need template for Craftsman 22124 Splitter Plate / Guard Mount
New to the forum, but a “semi-experienced” woodworker trying to get back into the swing of things.
Was looking at newer table saws / hybrid saws. but found a Craftsman 22124 Hybrid with Biesemeyer fence and a really nice mobile base in just about mint condition for $250 and could not pass on it. Only bad thing with this saw was no saw guard. Have the internal mounts but no splitter plate or guard. May well add a Shark Guard at some point but want to put a few miles on the saw first, and have an old Craftsman guard from a 1980’s saw in just about new condition – and I have a friend with a metal shop who can cut a new splitter plate out of whatever thickness I want – if I only had a template. Would just move the guard and kickback pawls over to the new plate.
Realize this is an older saw but seems to have a good following – really hoping someone has one of these and a way to trace the plate.
I can't help you out with finding a template but I think the best solution (best meaning easiest/most affordable/safe) would be a shop made splitter and throat insert.
There's a few benefits to this: 1. It's cheap. 2. You get to not only make a splitter but a zero clearance insert and 3. It's easy.
There's lots of articles out there and Matt Kenney has a good one in finewoodworking.
Make it in a couple hours and be on your way. Then you can decide if you want to go the shark guard route later. No hassle with trying to find a template and waiting around for your buddy to make it.
I agree. The commercial guard/splitter design on that was was not fabulous as it required an outboard mount. Nice saw BTW (still have one in the family) and a great price; the fence was worth what you paid.
When I got the saw I immediately made my own ZCI's and added the MJ Splitter. This is how the saw is still used. If you choose to go this way, make them in batches. The setup takes the time, not the making of them ;-)
1/2" BB ply and four 1/4" x 20 set screws do the trick. In later versions I added a roll pin ar the rear or left a beaver tail to trap the rear end of the ZCI in the opening. I'll add a pic if I have one.
Found one.
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