need your plans/ ideas for sanding table
I want to make a sanding table and hook it up to the shop vac; probably a 2’x3′ box of 1″x4″ with a perforated top. wish there was a way to use that non-skid foam. does anyone have any tricks or tips?
I want to make a sanding table and hook it up to the shop vac; probably a 2’x3′ box of 1″x4″ with a perforated top. wish there was a way to use that non-skid foam. does anyone have any tricks or tips?
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I bought a piece of the material used on fluorescent light covers, not sure what it's called. You will find it at Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Build the box according to the size of the plastic cover. The stuff I bought is composed of approximately 1/2" grids. I cut a rabbit in the top edge of the box to fit the plastic cover. Since I used a 4" hose from my duct collector, I attached a 1 pound coffee can to the end of the box, which fits the hose perfectly. And yes, I used the non-skid rubber stuff sold to hold workpieces being routed in the top, not fastened down. I've used it for about ten years, and have no reason to replace it.
get some peg board (non melamine coated) and make a table with that attached to a box hooked up to your DC or shop vac. There might be a marine type anti slip paint that you could paint the perfboard with.
Pegboard provides much less open space than the 1/2" grid on the plastic grille. therefore much less airflow.
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