Well, my compressor finally arrived after waiting for four weeks for it to be built. I can finally get rid of the ear splitting/buzzing CH I’ve used for the past six years.
As I had to wait I took advantage of that time to run iron pipe in my workshop and my spray finishing area (a separate building). Running black pipe was a real steep learning curve. I ended up renting a Rigid pipe threader which came with no manual or orientation by the rental company and was not even configured properly. So after asking numerous questions on plumbing forums and a bit of trial and error I finally got it set up correctly, learned some trades tricks and got some pretty good results.
The compressor I got is made by Eaton and weights 800 lbs, it took myself, grown up son and daughter a while to get into the shop using steel pipes as rollers under the pallet. The model I purchased is a 7.5 hp 26 scfm 80 gallon model. After seeing mine close up I am really happy with the build quality. I did a lot of research when deciding what to buy and it came down to a good company reputation and reasonably priced units. What I liked about Eaton is the features which I could only find on industrial units costing way too much; such as cast iron pistons, un-loaders, inter-stage coolers, roller bearings, continuous run, oversized motors, low RPM compressor speed and automatic drain. The units are a mix of American, Brazilian, and Chinese components assembled in their factory in Ohio,
Anyways I can’t wait to try this out over the weekend spraying my latest pieces.
That sure otta do it ! ! !
Thank you for showing us your set up. Looks great.
Yes, nice compressor set-up.
Awesome new machine !
I have one hose dedicated to the spray gun so the oil I use with the air tools doesn't somehow contaminate a finish -
Nice to go all out - great new toy -
air compressor
I am in the process of building a new shop and a central air system is on the list. Although it has only been a short while with your new compressor, are you still happy with your choice? I am planning to run my pipe in the slab rather than in the walls and hope to even have one in a floor box with a dust collection connection and power in the same area. Any advice appreciated.
I would consider a Quincy compressor. I have a 5hp with a 60 gallon tank and have only changed the oil and drained is since I purchased it in 2003.
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