heydee all,
nice new forum-huh? see, it WAS worth sticking it out and waiting around. somebody tell dgreen and all those with premature evacuation, y’all come on back.
heydee all,
nice new forum-huh? see, it WAS worth sticking it out and waiting around. somebody tell dgreen and all those with premature evacuation, y’all come on back.
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Hi Eef, It certainly was worth the wait, I couldn’t figure out why the site was acting funny yesterday, came back an hour later and WOW!!, much better, and easier to read. I LIKE!!!. garyowen
The latest round of updates/fixes to Knots are great. I am amazed at how many people just threw up their hands and quit posting on Knots rather than dig in and keep the community going. There is one benefit to all of this though. Prior to the software switch several posters seemed more interest in personal attacks then in constructively sharing knowledge. While the number of posts and replies has dramatically decreased, the correspondence is far more positive, supportive, and helpful. As the community builds back up I hope this positive tread continues.
I was pleasantly surprised yesterday too. Thanks to all the folks at FWW on their efforts.
Does the web page only cover 75% of your computer screen? (Left to right). Not complaining, just want to know if there is something I can do to make it fill my screen.
If you're using IE ror your browser, click on view, zoom, 150% and it will fill. As an added benefit, the type will also be larger in case you have tired eyes.
Likewise for Firefox, go to View and Zoom.
To all at Finewoodworking, congratulations, this is what we have to come to expect from you over time. Well done.
Yes, I like the improved layout and stronger color scheme, too.
Back-pats for the FWW Web Team. Would you care for a glass of Champagne?
Now, back to the other items on the list. ;-)
No more complaints from me , the changes are wonderful , thanks FWW
Well I miss the moaning-carping fellows, who provided great sport as well as the odd rare bit of useful WW knowledge. It is hard to find a sparring partner just now, although I do have some hopes for sidworks as he is a biter of bums and may be part pitbull. Unfortunately he has a higher proportion of WW experience/wisdom than he does opinionated klaptrap so there is not that much chance of a dawgfight. Cuh!
Where is Charlie when you want him? Probably hobbgoblining with the other 'mudgeons over in some WW backwater, where they all agree with one another's krazy "ideas" abouit sharpening with a kerbstone whilst sneering at everyone else's wee jigs and diamond plates. Ah, those were the days. Sigh!
Lataxe, missing the opportunity for vigorous chops at illogicals.
PS It was very tempting to prolong that debate about copyright. :-)
"Lataxe, missing the
"Lataxe, missing the opportunity for vigorous chops at illogicals."
I think you meant to say "Lataxe, missing the opportunity for vigorous chops at those who disagree with Lataxe."
But that doesn't matter, really. Like you, I miss Charles. You used to call him out and sic him on Adam who always took the bait. I used to think that was a nasty habit, but no longer. It was neither good nor bad, just you. It never added to the woodworking wisdom of Knots but you had a lot of fun with it. For me, it offered an interesting insight into human behaviour. I never figured out why Adam always took the bait. It would have been far more fun for him to ignore your bait and just give you some of the same. Obviously, one of the first rules of debate is to control the argument,and that means never taking the bait, unless you twist it and throw it back. Back in the old days, when there was debate here, you were one of the best at controlling the debate. You sort of reminded me of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who are top dogs at controlling debate (THey are US radio personalities, who like you, are always looking for trolls and miscreants).
As you know, when I respond to your messages, I am not writing to you, but to "ALL". Unfortunately, the new Knots does not let you select ALL for your reply. Too Bad.
You are one of the unique members of Knots, in that you are the most inner-directed of the village, and probably also the most idiosyncratic. I think your selection of a photo for Knots is EXCELLENT. Your expression seems to be exactly what I expected.
Like you, I miss the old days. I remember a message to me from ForestWoman who warned me not to get involved in nasty discussions. She was trying to protect me. I love it when women try to protect me.
I do disagree with your indication that those who were feisty didn't add much to the woodworking wisdom. Charles, for example, is far more knowledgeable in woodworking ways than you and I combined.
Well, until things get back to the old way, I hope that you continue looking for trolls, and continue policing Knots for other misfits and miscreants. I find them interesting, and appreciate you pointing them out.
Have fun. Please become more of yourself than you are now. I watched George W Bush do that when he was president, and it was great fun. You are a Knots institution. Without you, this place would be far less interesting.
PLEASE KEEP POSTING! You are the chief spice in the stew since the others who loved to "debate" have left.
My one wish for Knots, which will never be fulfulled is not really for debate, but for honest negative feedback when it is warranted -- such as in the Gallery. Sometimes suggestions for change and improvement seem warranted, but they rarely come. Mostly we get, "nice design. I love those legs. What type of finish did you use?" I am beginning to think that the ghost of Mother Theresa has made it a point to take over the spirits of most of us Knotheads, and turned us into AOEs (angels on Earth). But even that has its upside. Reading Knots nowadays is very relaxing.
If I was to predict the future directions that the members of Knots will take in time, it is ................................................
Naw. That would be to easy to predict. It certainly can't go much farther in the direction that it has recently gone. We have reached the precipice, or is it the zenith? I can't tell.
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