No 273 Tom McLaughlin’s Modern Adirondack Chair

On page 6 of the attached plan, Can I assume that the left side of the back slat diagram is the bottom of the back slat and the lowest horizontal plane is the back slat surface to the inside of the chair (the finished side).
I replicated this chair and the geometry below the upper arm rail is perfect, then the upper back slats skew dramatically away from the body just below the shoulder blades. It feels like something is wrong.
Thank for any help.
That part of the plan is correct and the chair when built is very comfortable.
I made two, and if I were to do it again, would make the back slats 2 inches longer and change the curve at the very top to the opposite direction - the last 4 inches need to be a little better positioned to support the head for ultimate relaxation.
Note that there are errors on the plans - including that the slats really need to be 3/4 inch not 1/2 inch and if you watch the show, Tom uses 3/4 inch thick slices.
I love these chairs as they are really good to sit on without cushions...
I would say it’s the opposite, the short tighter curve is at the bottom and the longer curve towards the top as in the chair side view. As for the slat width, the mistake is in the materials list, probably meant to be 1 1/2 stock .
"Note that there are errors on the plans - including that the slats really need to be 3/4 inch not 1/2 inch and if you watch the show, Tom uses 3/4 inch thick slices."
Which plans are you referring to? I looked at my original files for the plans and it shows them at 3/4 in. thick. It also shows the larger curve at the top.
As for the slat width, the 1-3/4 in. that I show came from Mr. McLaughlin.
Back slat dimensions are in conflict. 1/2" on page 1 Materials List and 3/4" on page 6. I defaulted to 3/4" simply for the sake of stability. For back slat width, rather then using nine 1 7/8" or 1 3/4", I used eleven 1 1/2" wide slats.
"Back slat dimensions are in conflict. 1/2" on page 1 Materials List and 3/4" on page 6."
Interesting. That's not what I see. I wonder if they published an older version by mistake.
You should have a great office chair. The only thing is that you have to match the dimensions. Make it a little higher and a little narrower. Useful information for you here
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