Non-woodworking things in a wood shop

Things related to the goings on in a woodworking shop, but not really woodworking. It’s a quiet Sunday and I’m spitballing a bit here…
Mason jars: I put drinks in Mason jars because the lids keep out the dust. I tend to “forget about” driks and come back to them with a fine layer of dust on top. I tend not to eat in the shop, just chew gum. Sometimes peanuts, but those grow in dirt so…
Shop clothes and shoes: tend to be the worn out articles clothing the wife would want to toss. They get a “shop clothes” designation and get a second life. Or…. a nice t-shirt gets baptized with a bit of glue and it instantly get re-catagorized.
Media: I’m listening to music most nights but I have been known to listen to hockey or football on the radio. My shop radio was a boombox from 1990 until about 2007. When it died. I’m not into having a TV or computer in the shop but that’s me. I’m in front of a computer all day so it’s not happening in the shop. I’ve seen many shops that integrate those as well. I have listened to podcast but they seem to be too distracting for me. Like shiny objects and squirrels.
School projects: My wife and I opened up the possibilities on school projects knowing the shop was right there. Often it seemed it was used because it was easier to clean. 😉 But there is also, “oh you and your science group can’t find wheels skinny enough in the right diameter for your solar car?” moments when you can “save the day” with your lathe and some scrap.
Anyone else?
Like you, I have "shop clothes." One item is a lab coat, that is really handy when I am using dyes. It covers down to the thighs.
In my shop, I have a coffee pot, a 4 cup size, that gets a lot of use even when I am in other parts of the basement; my home office or reading chair (I do not watch TV, ever, for 20 years). I'm usually guzzling 4 pots per day; its 7:30 AM and I just started the second pot.
Then there is the computer; an older piece of junk that I picked up for $20 when the older laptop died. It is used only to access the internet for music (I use Accuradio, free) and some talk shows. Since it is so old and is not supported with updates, I cannot trust it on the secure network and it accesses the non-secure channel that is reserved for the grandchildren. Just blow the dust off occasionally.
A coffee pot? That would be awesome. I already stay up too late.
A lab coat is a great idea. I'll have to try that one. The apron can be a bit cumbersome at times.
Bluetooth speaker for podcasts and music when I’m not running loud machines. I have an old tv I’ll turn on during football season but it’s more for listening than watching. I also have at least one fan going at all times in the summer. Tried using old tablets and even a pi4 for internet tasks but I end up reaching for my phone.
I picked up a Yamaha surround sound system from a guy on one of those sell your stuff apps. Might just be louder than the machines. Yes sir, on the fan. Helps blow the heat around in the winter also.
I would advise against the mason jar for the shop, glass is never a good idea.
I do have a tablet in the shop but it's used for listening to music/radio/tv, not surfing the web. 90% of my clothes are work clothes.
I have broken a couple that's for sure. My garage is detached from the house and far enough away the house WiFi doesn't reach. So the phone is the internet source. Usually just music.
I put an old recliner chair in my shop I’ve had since 2000, that had been in the family room. It made my wife very happy when I moved it from the house to the shop/garage.
That sounds a lot more comfortable than the folding chair I have.
In the process of setting up my shop. two sections, one the wood shop 20x20, the other the man cave 10x20. Shop music depends on what I am doing. Loud machines, Bose noise canceling headphones with bluetooth connected to my iPhone with YouTube music. if I m going to be hand working, I have a AR bluetooth speaker that works quite well.
The man cave will have the Bose 301s connected to an ancient Techniques receiver with a DVD player. Reclining Morris chair and lots of bookshelves.
The only computers will be the old Dell laptop used to run the CNC router and the desk top used to run the laser engraver and CAD programs.
Work clothes? I live on a sand dune with 95 Eucalyptus trees so they are all pretty much work clothes. The wife has some t-shirts and jeans put away for special occasions. I like the idea of a lab coat as all I use now is one of the indestructible Wooden Boat shop aprons and it's pretty worn. tim
Maybe my next shop will have a separate man cave. There is a dart board, a line of tape on the floor and a bottle of bourbon and some glasses stashed in a cabinet. Sometimes friends stop by to "woodwork" but just watch and talk.
I like. No bourbon in the man cave but perhaps a small fridge with some wine and beer. And glasses? I have 80 to 90 German beer glasses from the early 1980s that have not seen the light of day for decades. They will be going in display cabinets my wife has given over to me. I suspect they will be used... occasionally. But.... that is wandering over into man cave territory and we know we don't drink in the shop. Ten fingers tim
Hand sanding is about as dangerous as I get if the bourbon comes out. But that only happens if a friend stops by. I found it's a popular spot for a dad/husband to escape to for a bit. It's a routine... I ask for their help on a shop project in front of their wives and...
My wife and I have had conversations about our "dream shops" as she is a hobby artist. I currently work along the walls in a 3-car garage that is 600 square feet or so. Realistically, without the cars, it would be enough space but for a dream shop I'd want bigger. I would have it dividied by walls and doors into 4 sections of 600 square feet. Section 1 would be wood storage; section 2 would be all the machines and dust collection; section 3 would be the hand tools including the man cave corner; section 4 would be finishing. Certainly overkill but a man dream. Of course, that would be more square feet than the house but that is fine by me.
Two Sonos speakers matched in stereo and playing The Cars..
WIFI with classical music, laptop for video on how to fold band saw blades. I never remember how to do it.