My son and I made a little cherry box. We sealed it with some shellac. Then we started to brush on some shellac. On a lark I threw in some analine mahoghany dye and splashed in some analine dye mix that was some overly redish walnut stain that Sigian told me about. We put on several coats. I didn’t measure anything.
It is an absolutely drop dead beautiful color. I have no idea how I am going to reproduce it.
Don't you remember the basic rules... 'Measure twice, splash once'???
Steve, Can we see, PLEEEEAse. dave
Practice on new scrap, this time measuring.
Like riding a bicycle, practice, practice, and practice!
What makes you believe that you can't do it again? So what if it's not exactly what you did the first time, it will be unique! (maybe even better!)
Make a few samples and when you think your close, throw away the origional. Then, nobody but you will know the difference.
I have to admit, I've done that with clients before. I have also showed a client a sample and they thought it was too red. The following week the designer show them the exact same sample and they loved it. Go figure.
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