Looking for help regarding an orange peel problem on Birdseye Maple. Sanding sealer went on fine. First coat of simpson semigloss water white lacquar went on nice and smooth. Second coat of semigloss has orange peel. Don’t know why? Is the only fix on this is to let it stand for a couple of days and then sand it down?
Use retarder and/or spray wetter coats (hold gun closer).
Just about everything you do when spraying can cause orange peel. It's extremely difficult to totally eliminate it with just spraying. High end finishes are so expensive because of all the hand work that goes in to flattening and polishing the surface. Here is a link to a spray painting wizard. There is some good general information but the product and how you handle it is also important. Often, two applications are used with sanding sealer. The first one doesn't always do the job. Your first coat of lacquer may have sunk in. You will have to do some analysis to determine what is causing your problem. There is quite a bit to spraying correctly. For me, it's proper atomization and gun distance, most of the time.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Thanks for your help. The link information was very helpful.
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