Original Saw Company Radial Arm Saw

Does anyone have exeprience with the Original Saw Company RAS? I am interested in the 12″/13″ contractor series that will cross-cut 24″.
I have not found any local dealers. I have emailed OS direct, but have not yet received their reply.
someone else was looking for RAS info right before the change-over to the new forum. if i remember right, tim sams told that person fww was running a review of those currentrly available in an upcoming issue. actually, i thought it was to be this latest issue, ans was a bit disappointed myself when it did not run.
FWIW, the Original Saw Company's radial arm saws are the best RASs built today, IMHO. They are based entirely upon DeWalt's original designs, hence the name. You might want to re-visit their site or give them a call at (800)773-4063.
Try this link. This is a dealer. That's some big bucks for a RAS but I guess if you really need one then it's not so bad. People keep trying to give me their RAS's, I can't remember the last time I used the one I have now. Are you sure you want a RAS?
Steve - in Northern California
Edited 5/6/2002 10:52:46 AM ET by Steve Schefer
Mike, I checked the link given by Steve. That does seem like a chunk of change. If you are in that price range, for my $ I'd check into OMGA.Barbo Machinery in Portland, Ore. carries OMGA, and they are good people. Don't have their web address, but if you put in their name, you'll get to them, or 1 800 452 8503.
I have an OMGA that I bought used in 1991, and it has always been perfect, for what it's worth. I don't use it much(use a sliding carriage t-saw) but when I do, it's always a pleasure and stays good and square. Good luck!
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