I am always on the lookout for a good food safe finish for my bowls. I am wondering if anyone has experience with Osmo hardwax-oil finishes on bowls. Particularly the OsmoTop oil. It is supposed to be safe for food contact and even states that is saliva resistant and suitable for children’s toys.
Thank you for any feedback you can provide
I love the look it provides. It is not especially durable but if it gets damaged is easy to repair - just wipe on some more.
Also it's about the easiest finish to apply - almost impossible to stuff up.
Osmo sell small test packs which are enough to finish a small side table (you really don't need much of the stuff)
What is really nice about it is the feel it gives the wood - it invites touching and that is ideal for toys.
The only down side is that compared with water based poly it takes a while to cure fully - re-coat is about 4-8 hours depending on temperature, but full off-gas is 3 days or so.
As for bowls, I use it, but would not put it on a bowl intended to be washed.
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