I am looking to purchase an overarm TS guard. Has anyone had experience with PSI’s new unit or Exactor? the Beis is a little over my budget. Thanks in advance.
I am looking to purchase an overarm TS guard. Has anyone had experience with PSI’s new unit or Exactor? the Beis is a little over my budget. Thanks in advance.
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I have one of the first units.
Works great for me.
Mine is ceiling mounted (My own custom design) to keep it out of the way.
I made a few more adaptions for my needs.
Price was right.
Can you post a picture of your setup?Regards,
How well does the dust collection work on the unit? If it is ceiling mounted, are you still using the arm?
Buzzsaw and Craig
Sorry, I still haven't gotton the picture posting thing yet.
My system is pretty simple, I mounted 2 rails of that angle iron (with all the holes) to my ceiling about 11 " apart.
They are up at about 9 1/2 feet as I have a high ceiling.
They parrallel the table saw, front to rear, and are 6 ft each.
As my saw is centered in the shop, their on either side of center.
Hanging from the rails are 2 more angle iron rails. The amount they hang down is determined by the guard and ceiling height.
This allows me to simply mount the short pipe with the guard to these rails.
I added 2 diagonal supports to prevent swaying on an X pattern to the hanging rails.
Also, added 2 diagonal supports from the ceing rails to the hanging rails.
The diagonals have quick pins to allow me to swing the arm up and out of the way for large pieces.
The hose from the guard goes to a large 4" pick-up from my dust collector wth a gate to adjust how much it draws.
I don't close the gate very often here as my pick-up power is strong enough to not bother.
I didn't use any of the Penn State mounting parts for the ceiling as my system worked better.
I can move my table saw forward or back up about 5 ft with this arrangement, but don't (I took it off the Mobile base once I decided this was the best spot). But, it gives me enough flexability to rearrange slightly in the future.
Also, the mounting to the upright rails allow me to swing the guard up more the the counterbalanced part by using large handnuts to loosen and tighten.
Really quite simple, took as long to build as to explain.
And yes, it works great.
I have enough right to left adjustment to cut wide and narrow parts.
Yell if you want more info.
The PSI and the Exaktor are essentially the same unit. They are a solid unit - go with which ever one has the best current price.
Dan Kornfeld, Owner/President - Odyssey Wood Design, Inc.
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