I plan to paint my kitchen cabinets. They are oak and some are painted with polyurethane. I’m not sure what the others are finished with. Can I use latex paint? Do I need a primer/ sealer? Any suggestions?
I plan to paint my kitchen cabinets. They are oak and some are painted with polyurethane. I’m not sure what the others are finished with. Can I use latex paint? Do I need a primer/ sealer? Any suggestions?
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The major part of the project is to get the cabinets clean. Kitchen cabinets end up with lots of grease on them. The last ones I did, I cleaned first with mineral spirits and wiped them dry. Then I washed with an cleaner like Fantastic using a green scotchbrite pad. This got the gunk off and began scuffing the varnish. Then I sanded with 150 sandpaper. Then I painted and it looks fine.
The reason the cleaning and sanding is important is to give a mechanical grip on the existing surface. without a microscopic roughness to grip to, the new coat od paint will slip and blister off, having all the stickiness of snot on a glass doorknob.
Caution, Oak is not an easy wood to paint. The open pores show through. Filler or may coats of paint involved. May be easier to refinish in the poly.
I had my stained kitchen cabinets professionally painted a while back. The painter used a primer called XIM (no, it is NOT BIN) which he said was an excellent primer. It was. It might be worth investigating.
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