Where can I get parts, mainly the router base for a Rockwell Router M/N 6751C
The base M/N is 6752 C Type 1.
I dropped mine years ago and broke the aluminum base, I haven’t been able to epoxy it back together.
Where can I get parts, mainly the router base for a Rockwell Router M/N 6751C
The base M/N is 6752 C Type 1.
I dropped mine years ago and broke the aluminum base, I haven’t been able to epoxy it back together.
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I can't even find anything about that router. Time to buy a new one.
Find a good welder. Epoxy is not a good idea. I'd start at a shop that rebuilds auto engines. Once you get a quote you might be buying a new router anyway.
Fathers' day is a great time to buy tools!
It looks like one similar sold a few days ago for $10 + shipping on Ebay. You can set up a search on Ebay that sends you an email if one is listed for sale in the future. Good luck.
Here's the one that sold.
I have an old Rockwell base that lives on a mortising jig. I accepts my Porter Cable router perfectly. Having seen the ebay pics I think any PC base would work also.
Rockwell acquired Porter Cable tools in 1960 and renamed them Rockwell which they remained until Rockwell sold them along with Delta to Pentair in 1981 Pentair revived the Porter Cable brand name. I think there is a strong chance a PC 690 or 890 base will work.
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